Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Wonder Palms Series - LA, Summer 2010

I moved to the land of Wonder Palms. To seek the Mystery there. Four months later, all I can say is I really like my hair.

Here in the land of Wonder Palms, at the edge of the crashing Pacific, I stare at a cloud, and marvel out loud, that life is pretty terrific. Shimmering in the breeze, with magnetic tape fronds, the palm trees rattle and sway. Making me feel, that in this new home, there's always time to play.

News from the land of Wonder Palms, where life was feeling abundant: this Seeker went to work today. And found she'd been made redundant!

I traveled to the land of my childhood; not sure if I was quite ready. Spago is great, but I craved a plate that could only be found at Back Eddy.