Thursday, March 28, 2013

Did the Mayans get it wrong? What’s next? … Just me and my Shadow?

We survived the Solstice. The end of the world. I wasn’t particularly surprised...Were you? Long before that fateful day, I learned about a different calendar that allows us to live longer…Because it looks like we’re still here.

I refer to the Aztec calendar, the image that we most associate with the Mayan calendar. But unlike the Mayan’s, and just like a Timex, the Aztec calendar keeps on ticking… beyond 12/21/12. Not only that, but the Aztec calendar—and the indigenous wisdom behind it—holds clues to how our future will unfold. And how to ready ourselves for this new era…called the Sixth Sun.
As a cross-cultural shamanic practitioner, specializing in soul retrieval, I’ve explored many wisdom streams to arrive at my current toolkit. The Toltec/Aztec path has some very special practices to help us deal with the full range of human foibles, when we’re faced with upcoming challenges unique to this Sixth Sun.
I first learned about this Sixth Sun from Aztec/Toltec teacher Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl (coyote jaguar). A brilliant and eloquent young man, Sergio expertly bridges the modern world with that of his indigenous teachers and ancestors. There is no surprise that he was born with both Castilian and indigenous blood in his veins. He shares practices that align us with ancient, universal rhythms, which can evoke deep, positive change in our lives…if we do the work. He has been teaching in Mexico for over twelve years, and in the US and Europe since 2010. Sergio has learned from great masters in the Mexica lineage including Aztec Anubis, Xolotl José Luis Chávez Martínez, keeper of the ancient Nahuatl wisdom; Xolotl’s wife Alma, teacher of the feminine mysteries—healing with obsidian tools and the popochcomitl, or copal burner; and Hugo Nahui, a gifted scholar on stellar events and their impact on our lives.

I was one of the lucky few who was able to attend an authentic ceremony in Mexico on the auspicious date of 12/21/12. Not many also knew that at the Solstice there was a time of no time where the Universe stood still and opportunity was possible. Picture this…

I am near the Zocalo (main square) in Mexico City in ceremony officiated by Xolotl and his priestess wife, Alma. It is the eight seconds of no-time at 5:13 a.m. The circle is suddenly hushed. One hundred people, from all points of the globe, power out to the universe our big intentions for ourselves, our families, countries and planet, as the Sixth Sun dawns. A warm, tingly energy pours out from my heart. I feel hugely expansive and peaceful, like time did stop and anything was possible—perhaps we were changing the world in that very moment. When the eight seconds were over, we resume our frenzied dancing as hummingbirds, eagles, and macaws; miming the expert moves of native celebrants, and calling in all they represent.
But that was but a moment in time that marked an official goodbye to an old way of being and ushered in the influence of the next “Sun”, the Sixth Sun. Each Era spans 6,625 years. While the Fifth Sun was an era of outer conquest and seeking wisdom and happiness in the world around us, the Sixth Sun ushers in an era of inner listening—of working with the wisdom within—and deepens until it is in full control on 12/21/2021. In other words, a time of reckoning with our shadow: those cast-off parts of ourselves that we have buried away from our conscious awareness. Those things we hide from ourselves. Often it is because of trauma that we push both our gifts and negative experiences away from the light. Qualities like insecurity, or jealousy—or even a talent for singing that never gets expressed for fear of public humiliation—these things cause us pain. The shadow can be positive as well as negative, and can help as well as hinder us. Unfortunately, we usually end up acting out aspects of our shadow when they are repressed, such as criticizing the successful artist or attacking the homosexual, be it through a casual remark or worse. When others exhibit our shadow qualities, we often have strong negative feelings toward these people, but never consider why this might be.  It is because they are expressing disowned aspects of ourselves.

The Aztec/Toltec tradition that Sergio presents helps people to realize that, yes, we ALL have a shadow, whether we deny it or not. This is nothing to be ashamed of…it is a human condition. Uniquely, this tradition provides tools, such as the Obsidian Mirror, for actually making a connection—seeing, feeling, creating awareness, and ownership—for the 15 aspects of the shadow—positive and negative—that the tradition describes for us to work with. And then, if one chooses, and with commitment and discipline, they can transform the harmful aspects of their shadow to helpful ones. Turning one’s own worst enemy into their inner hero. Becoming more effective in one’s life. The life-affirming effects are similar to those gained through soul retrieval or other more traditional psychotherapy methods that also work with dissociation.

Why is it important to acknowledge and transform our shadow NOW? Because we live in accelerated times. Even more so, after 12/21/12. Our thoughts and actions manifest much more quickly now. This is one of the aspects of the Sixth Sun Era, an era of “endarkenment”. We can create heaven or hell on this Earth much easier now. The cosmos is assisting us. It is our choice which of the two we’d like to create in our life. The “easy” path is to give in to inner darkness—react without thinking, say something off the top of our head because it’s a popular sentiment, but not something that’s been thought through as to whether it really rings true in our heart. The challenge is to rise above our “pain body” (as Eckhart Tolle calls it) of ourselves, our family, our culture, or our country and shed light on our inner darkness. And in so doing, bring more light and hope to the human condition at this point in time. When it is so desperately needed.
I was terrified to look at my shadow…as anyone would be…but knew it was my responsibility. I’d worked with it before, but like peeling an onion, found there were more layers. I got lucky. I was given an opportunity to work on mine in Mexico at an auspicious moment in time. A significant relationship in my life had just unraveled and ended. Additionally, I’d been experiencing the disorientation of hot flashes, weight gain, hormonal fluctuations, and most significantly, an urgency to address my inner victim—to no longer put up with people and situations in my life anymore that were not in integrity. That were not congruent with the path of dignity I needed to walk. I couldn’t tell if what I’d been experiencing were growing pains, ascension symptoms, or something else. I wanted to set some awareness and healing in motion by refocusing my attention in ritual and connection with the Earth. To make sense—in a shamanic setting—of the changes in my life. What better place to do this than the energetic center of Mexico at this time in history?
I sit cross-legged in a temazcal, or sweat lodge, also led by Xolotl and Alma. Unlike the Solstice ritual, this is a very intimate, personal affair. Our lodge is a green reed dome, partially covered by tarps. Clad in sarongs, shorts, and skivvies, our group of 20 crawls to their places inside, as an eagle circles overhead under a clear blue dome—an auspicious omen.

As the couple’s preteen girl and boy play on the grassy lawn outside, I feel like we become the couple’s 20 children as their gentle ministrations are translated from Spanish to English...but soon realize, that here, in the temazcal, we are children of Earth parents who possess deep, healing love but also claws and fangs.

Since I’d participated in over half a dozen sweatlodges already, fear of the unknown had long vanished with my initial one. Here, I eagerly anticipated the hermetic hug of the warm, dark womb. I was joyful for the opportunity to step between the worlds, and outside of the everyday world…something I hadn’t done in a while.
Introductions are made, and the womb-like space feels initially safe and cozy. The first round of red hot stones is pitchforked in; each rock cradled by very long, sharp tines that slide inches from my bare leg. I release my breath when the final stone is placed, blessed, and the door closed. Because I’d requested a personal healing for bronchitis, Xolotl now ushers me to sit by the central fire pit, facing away from it. It’s a chill, windy day outside, and I’m happy to abandon my drafty seat by the door. He sprinkles water on the stones.

Luxuriating in the enveloping steam bath, I’m now feeling held by my surrogate parents. Sighing deeply, I relax into the comforting silence. Then…surprise! My back is whipped with a leafy tree branch! I feel…oddly Catholic and almost laugh. The leaves don’t hurt, but an occasional spark singes my skin for a microsecond. Had he touched the branch to the stones first?! Was my hair going to burn?! I just had it done!

As gifted shamans, my “parents” know what they are doing. The temazcal balances health, mind and emotions. Sometimes certain plants are used to enhance the work and help the client with their inner struggle to change; in particular Pirul (Pepper Plant), Rosemary, and Santa Maria (Spearmint). The practitioner asks the stones of the temazcal for balance and healing—touching them briefly with the herb—and then taps the affected area on the client with the plant. Xolotl and Alma believe sickness is caused by unbalanced energy; resulting in chemical, physical, social, biological, and mind alterations. Their methods to rebalance a person include temazcal, infusions, massage, cleansings, dancing, and breathing exercises. Most importantly, as in other shamanic healing methods, faith assists the success of the client’s inner work.

With each touch of the pepper branch, I feel a fluttering inside my chest of dark wings, echoing those of the eagle overhead. Shards of old grief, long buried, begin to surface. I gasp, cough, and weep.
A couple hours later I emerge from the lodge, absolutely radiant—my lungs and skin gloriously clear and hydrated. Purified for the Solstice ceremony and respectful of Xolotl and Alma’s Earth parent power.
It was only much later, as I assimilated all the work we did, that I realized my personal growing pains simply mirrored those of Mother Earth. The angst of this awareness wrenched my heart and made me feel a powerful, yet tender responsibility for both her and myself. Wise new actions were and continue to be called for. In some cases these actions involve culling—with intention—the things that no longer contribute to the well-being of either my life or that of the planet; such as a long-term acquaintance who refuses to walk a path of integrity or cannot quit identifying with their inner victim. In other cases, the new actions might be as simple of keeping a supply of reusable shopping bags in the car, or driving more mindful of pedestrians, and with less haste. We are birthing our new selves for this new era, as we agonize together with the contractions, like Inanna comforting Ereshkigel in the underworld—stepping into our darkness, forsaking our outer self-centered trappings of beauty or security or being the superstar lone wolf…because it is called for. Not knowing whether we’ll be dismembered by the process, or whether—like Osiris—we’ll be missing a part of ourselves when the journey is over; but knowing that surely we will be transformed.  All the while we are being forged and tempered into swords of better discernment, in the cave, in our chicomostoc, our cauldron of transformation. Grappling with our shadow. Stepping into our portal to great power.

It’s time to seize our inner swords. To become better stewards of both our shadow…and the planet. We are being called… This is what’s next.

Sergio says, “We are entering the cycle of the Obsidian Eagle, a place where our dreams and our enlightenment are attained through the path of darkness, through the transformation of our own cave (shadow).”

Ometeotl. (And so it is!)

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